
Wiedner Hauptstraße 57/3, 1040 Vienna, Austria
VAT ID: ATU77166736
Raiffeisenlandesbank: AT72 3200 0000 1349 9926

Volodymyr Aloshkin
Tel.: +43 676 573 0802

Privacy Policy:
Media Owner: JetStahl GmbH
Legal Address: Wiedner Hauptstraße 57/3, 1040 Vienna

Our aid projects for the rehabilitation of Ukrainian soldiers

Our company is not only involved in the dance business, but also in the social sector. In special cases, we provide humanitarian aid for Ukrainian soldiers who were seriously wounded during the fighting.

One example of our commitment: in May and June 2023, we helped a seriously injured Ukrainian soldier by financing an operation and subsequent treatment in an Austrian clinic. The total support amounted to around 40,000 euros.

If you or someone you know needs similar help, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can reach us by phone or send us an e-mail – you will find the relevant contact details on this page.